Google Reviews and Questions by Saasly : Manage Google Maps reviews & Q&A on your Google My Business listings on Zendesk Portal.


Google Reviews and Questions by Saasly : Manage Google Maps reviews & Q&A on your Google My Business listings on Zendesk Portal.

Lee Robinson

Rishabh Singha

- May 23, 2024

6 min read

MAttachment Manager Plus Integration for Freshdesk and Freshservice on Freshworks Marketplace

If your business has a digital presence, managing customer feedback efficiently is crucial for businesses looking to maintain a positive online presence. One of the key platforms for gathering customer feedback is Google My Business. This tool allows businesses to collect reviews and respond to customer inquiries directly on Google Maps. However, the volume of reviews and questions can become overwhelming without the right tools. This is where Saasly's solution comes in, seamlessly integrating Google Maps reviews and Q&A into your Zendesk Portal.

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Google reviews, google maps, google my business, Zendesk.

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Attachment Manager Plus Integration for Freshdesk and Freshservice on Freshworks Marketplace

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Attachment Manager Plus Integration for Freshdesk and Freshservice on Freshworks Marketplace

The Importance of Managing Google Reviews

Google reviews play a pivotal role in shaping a business's online reputation. They not only influence potential customers' decisions but also impact local search rankings. Positive reviews can boost your business's credibility, while negative reviews, if not addressed properly, can tarnish your brand image.

How Google My Business Enhances Customer Engagement

Google My Business allows customers to leave reviews and ask questions, providing valuable insights into their experiences. This interaction is essential for businesses to understand their customers better and improve their services. Responding to reviews and questions promptly shows that you value customer feedback and are committed to providing excellent service.

Introducing Saasly's Google Reviews and Questions App: Your Solution to Managing

Google Reviews Saasly offers a powerful solution to streamline the management of Google Maps reviews and Q&A through its integration with the Zendesk Portal. This integration enables businesses to handle customer feedback more efficiently, ensuring no review or question goes unanswered.

Key Features of Saasly's Integration

Seamless Integration

With Saasly, you can seamlessly integrate all customer reviews and inquiries from Google into your Zendesk Portal. This integration ensures that all feedback is centralized, making it easier to manage and respond to customer interactions.

Infinite Reminders for Tickets

Configure an infinite count of reminders for a ticket, ensuring that no customer query is forgotten. This feature helps businesses stay on top of their customer service game.

Location-Specific Question Gathering

Saasly allows you to gather all location-specific questions within the Zendesk portal. This capability is especially useful for businesses with multiple locations, as it helps organize feedback and inquiries based on specific locations.

Group Assignment for Reviews and Questions

Assign a specific group to manage and view these reviews and questions as tickets. This feature ensures that the right team handles customer feedback, improving response times and overall efficiency.

Detailed Location Information

Access detailed information about each location, allowing for more personalized and relevant responses to customer feedback. This feature enhances the customer experience by providing location-specific insights.

Multiple Accounts and Locations

Add multiple accounts and locations seamlessly, making it easier for businesses with a widespread presence to manage their Google reviews and Q&A.

Toggle Ticket Creation

Toggle the option to create tickets for specific locations on or off, providing flexibility in managing customer feedback based on your business needs.

Comprehensive Reporting

Generate comprehensive reports based on the collected reviews. These reports provide valuable insights into customer sentiment and help businesses make informed decisions to improve their services.

Application Features for Tagging

Utilize application features to specify tags such as location, star ratings, and types. This tagging system helps categorize feedback, making it easier to analyze and respond to.

Use Cases of Saasly's Integration

Retail Industry

In the retail industry, managing customer feedback is crucial for maintaining a positive brand image. With Saasly, retail businesses can efficiently handle reviews and questions from multiple store locations. For example, a national retail chain can assign specific teams to manage feedback from each region, ensuring personalized responses and improved customer satisfaction.

Hospitality Industry

Hotels and restaurants rely heavily on customer reviews to attract new guests. Saasly's integration allows hospitality businesses to gather and respond to reviews from different properties in one centralized platform. This feature is particularly useful for hotel chains that need to manage feedback from various locations.

Healthcare Sector

In the healthcare sector, patient feedback is invaluable for improving services. Saasly enables healthcare providers to manage reviews and questions from multiple clinics or hospitals efficiently. This capability ensures that patient concerns are addressed promptly, enhancing the overall patient experience.

Real Estate

For real estate businesses, managing reviews and inquiries from potential clients is essential. Saasly's integration with Zendesk helps real estate firms handle feedback from different properties and agents seamlessly. This feature ensures that all client interactions are tracked and addressed in a timely manner.

Benefits of Using The Integration

Enhanced Customer Satisfaction

By integrating Google reviews and Q&A into Zendesk, businesses can respond to customer feedback promptly, enhancing customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Improved Efficiency

Centralizing customer feedback in one platform streamlines the management process, improving overall efficiency and response times.

Better Insights

Comprehensive reporting and tagging features provide valuable insights into customer sentiment, helping businesses make data-driven decisions to improve their services.


It's ability to handle multiple accounts and locations makes it a scalable solution for businesses of all sizes.


The option to toggle ticket creation for specific locations and assign groups to manage feedback provides flexibility in handling customer interactions based on business needs.


Managing Google Maps reviews and Q&A on your Google My Business listings can be challenging, but with Saasly's integration with Zendesk, it becomes a seamless process. By centralizing customer feedback, businesses can improve their response times, enhance customer satisfaction, and gain valuable insights to refine their services. Whether you're in retail, hospitality, healthcare, or real estate, Saasly offers a powerful solution to streamline your customer feedback management. Ready to take your customer feedback management to the next level? Download the Saasly app now and start integrating your Google reviews and Q&A into your Zendesk Portal today! Happy Integration!