Google Reviews & Questions



Google Reviews & Questions

Manage Google Maps reviews & Q&A on your Google My Business listings


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Short Description:

Manage Google Maps reviews & Q&A on your Google My Business listings

Description :

Businesses frequently utilize Google Maps listings via Google My Business, where customers can easily leave reviews, often prompted by Google's requests following their visits.

With our service, you can seamlessly integrate all customer reviews and inquiries from Google into your Zendesk Portal.

Respond promptly to their feedback and questions, boosting customer satisfaction ratings for your business.


  • Configure an infinite count of reminders for a ticket.

  • Gather all location-specific questions within the Zendesk portal.

  • Assign a specific group to manage and view these reviews and questions as tickets.

  • Access detailed information about each location.

  • Add multiple accounts and locations seamlessly.

  • Toggle the option to create tickets for specific locations on or off.

  • Generate comprehensive reports based on the collected reviews.

  • Utilize application features to specify tags such as location, star ratings, and types.