Youtube + ChatGPT AI Assistance



Youtube + ChatGPT AI Assistance

Transform YouTube comments into tickets and generate AI responds using ChatGPT


Verified App

Visit to Install
  • Overview
  • Userguide

Setup process:

How to Install?

  • Go to this link

  • Create account with email and password.

  • In left sidebar, click on the Zendesk. Enter the Zendesk subdomain and Authorize

  • In left sidebar, click on YouTube Accounts. Click on Add Account on the right side and authorize your YouTube (Google) account.

  • In left sidebar, click on the YouTube channels/videos/shors. Click on Add channel/video/short button. Then you can configure the channel, video, or short (you can see the video for config).

  • In left sidebar, click on the chatGPT. Then enter your chatGPT API key and click save.

  • Setup is Done Then the application will start the process of fetching the YouTube comments and creating them as tickets. every 5 minutes of interval time.

How to Re-Authorize the youtube account?

  • If you already authenticate ignore this, If you want to authorize the youtube, please following the below video instructions.

Webhook Configuration in Zendesk:

  • Go to your account admin panel:
  • In the left sidebar, click on Apps Integration > Webhooks > Create New Webhook & business trigger by following the below video.

Webhook URL


"ticketId": "{{}}",
"subdomain": "{{ticket.url}}",
"contactId": "{{ticket.requester.external_id}}",
"ticket-latest-public-note": "{{ticket.latest_public_comment_html}}"

App Screenshots:

configuration.png configuration.png configuration.png configuration.png configuration.png configuration.png configuration.png configuration.png configuration.png
For further clarification, feel free to contact our support team,